(2023) Science and education, 3, 12-18. Odessa.

Iryna Norenko,
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Innovative Technologies in Pedagogy,
Psychology and Social Work,
Alfred Nobel University,
18, Sicheslavska Naberezhna str., Dnipro, Ukraine,



The preparation of psychologists for teaching in the modern educational space is an urgent problem, as it concerns methodological and content-targeted aspects, which are characterised by certain features at the classical level – teaching for students of professional universities and at the professional-targeted level – teaching in the authoring advanced training courses for practicing psychologists. Modern practicing psychologists are actively involved in activities aimed at educating and developing colleagues, as well as specialists in related fields, and therefore act as various kinds of trainers, coaches, supervisors, and educators, which requires the development of their methodological and pedagogical competencies. The article classifies the forms of training future psychologists for teaching: teaching theoretical material; organising and conducting trainings; organising feedback to students; individual counselling of students. It has been determined that the strength of the authoring courses for practical psychologists is the content and practical, which make it possible to form the competences stated in the course objectives at a sufficient level. Instead, the forms of feedback and the forms and processes of assessing the level of acquired competencies of the subjects of training require improvement of psychologists-coaches’ teaching activities. The article defines the principles and rules of the training group: maximum activity, learning here and now, personification of statements, research creative position, partner subject-subject communication, objectification of behaviour, confidentiality. Discussion aspects of improving the teaching activities of practical psychologists are outlined: methodological features of organising information content for the course training of psychologists as a factor in the acquisition of methodological and pedagogical skills by psychological coaches; diversification feedback forms for cadets of authoring programmes; strengthening state control over the licensing of authoring programmes of advanced training for psychologists – considering the imperfections in the practice of objective quality assessment of the competences acquired by cadets.


training of psychologists, teaching activity, practical psychologists, training, authoring programmes.



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