(2023) Science and education, 2, 54-60. Odessa.
Snizhana Osypchuk,
Graduate Student,
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University,
27, Khmelnytske shoes str., Vinnytsia, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8995-418X
This article presents an overview of the problem of evaluating the quality of education in a comprehensive educational institution in the retrospective of pedagogical research. The issue of the quality of education is a priority in the development of society, since the further successful life of mankind in all spheres depends on the “end product” of educational institutions – a competitive graduate. And it is the retrospective study of this issue that will help determine the essence of the main concepts, problems and their solutions. The concept of “quality”, “quality of education”, “evaluation” is considered as the process of obtaining estimates, conclusions, recommendations regarding the state and prospects of the development of an educational institution based on predetermined criteria. The quality of education is considered in the inseparable unity of the quality of educational activity and the quality of the result. Accordingly, the article proves that in order to ensure a high level of education quality in educational institutions, it is necessary to evaluate educational activity and its results, requirements for evaluation criteria are formulated. However, the issue of evaluating the quality of education and educational activity requires continued scientific research, as general secondary education institutions are not ready to carry out evaluations: lack of tools for the evaluation process, unwillingness of participants in the educational process to evaluate the activities of the institution, incompetence of experts, biased evaluation.
quality, quality of education, quality of educational activity, evaluation, internal system of ensuring the quality of education.
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