(2023) Science and education, 2, 48-53. Odessa.

Inna Moliaka,
Graduate Student at the Department of Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences,
Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University,
24, Kyivska str., Hlukhiv, Sumy region, Ukraine,



The development of higher education in Ukraine depends on addressing key issues in the preparation of highly qualified teachers. The integration of educational processes into the European space and the dominance of progressive teaching models in foreign publications emphasize the importance of communication in a foreign language. The competency-based approach to shaping the conscious personality of a teacher is enshrined in international and Ukrainian normative documents. Communication begins with proper phonetic expression of speech. This article attempts to describe the concept of English phonetic competence of future primary school teachers and determine the content of its components. Increasing societal demands for knowledge and skills of graduates from higher education institutions and the need for the preparation of highly qualified professionals capable of effective professional activities have led to the development of new approaches, forms, and methods of methodological training for future primary school teachers as part of their professional pedagogical education. Contradictions between the traditional approach to teaching English phonetics and the need for a new integrated approach based on comparative analysis of English and Ukrainian phonetics have necessitated a revision of the content and structure of English phonetic competence. The concepts of “competence”, “foreign language communicative competence” and “English phonetic competence” are analyzed, and the content of key components of English phonetic competence (linguistic, methodological, reflective, and pragmatic) is determined.


competence, phonetic competence, foreign language communicative competence, English phonetic competence of future primary school teachers.



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