(2023) Science and education, 2, 22-26. Odessa.
Alla Zahorodnia,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Chief Research of the Department of History and Philosophy of Education,
Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
52D, Sichovykh Striltsiv str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2418-1670
The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical substantiation of the essence of socio-anthropological ideas in the Ukrainian philosophy of education in the context of the philosophical and cultural aesthetic concept of V. Simovych. The figure of V. Simovych, as a famous Ukrainian teacher, educator, linguist, whose creative path unfolded during the period of reforms, the unification of Ukrainian lands into one state, the establishment of national education at all levels and the slowing down of the pace of democratization of all aspects of Ukrainian national life, has been updated. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research was the general scientific methods, such as: the method of analysis and synthesis; scientific abstraction; induction and deduction; theoretical modeling; generalization; systematization; modeling; abstract and logical. It was determined that the foundation of V. Simovych's educational activities on education and national education were the socio-economic, political and cultural-educational conditions of the functioning of Ukrainian society, the purpose of which was to preserve the national spiritual identity of the young generation. It was determined that a characteristic feature of Vasyl Simovych's pedagogical creativity is the consistent struggle for the establishment of the Ukrainian language in Ukraine for the purpose of teaching, learning, and educating young people in national traditions. A list of scientific works of V. Simovych is presented, in which the peculiarities of the grammar of the native language and Ukrainian literature are revealed, such as: “Short Ukrainian Spelling” (1917), “How to Become Literate in Ukrainian” (1919), “Grammar of the Ukrainian Language” (1919), “Native literature: (what every Ukrainian should read from native literature)” (1918), “Ukrainian literature. A view of its historical development” (1934). The scientific position is argued that a prominent place in the educational and pedagogical heritage of V. Simovych belongs to the study of the educational influence of the native language, folklore, symbols, folk traditions, art, customs and rites on the personality as priority means of education and development. The scheme of socio-anthropological ideas of the development of the philosophy of education in the philosophical-cultural aesthetic concept of V. Simovych has been developed, which is based on its main components, such as: the originality of the native language; Ukrainian studies content of education; teaching, training, and education of youth in national traditions; the formation of a creative and active personality with deep public qualities, which in the complex make up the national education system.
education, national education system, V. Simovych, philosophical and cultural aesthetic concept, philosophy of education.
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