(2023) Science and education, 2, 34-39. Odessa.
Andrii Ilienko,
Graduate Student at the Department of Innovative Technologies
in Pedagogy, Psychology and Social Work,
Alfred Nobel University,
18, Sicheslavska Naberezhna str., Dnipro, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8968-8424
The formation of a civil officer’s language consciousnesses conditioned by the active formation of a Ukrainian mindset and the formation of a national-centered citizenship of society. In terms of the above, the article identifies the main risks that affect the lack of linguistic consciousness of significant part of Ukrainian society – the influence of the Russian language, diglossia as pathological bilingualism, and the split linguistic consciousness of Ukrainians living in the East and South of Ukraine. The bilingualism of Ukrainians, which has become a problematic issue, is being actualised in the professional profile of civil officers who are supposed to be leaders of state policy, specifically in the language issue. The professional profile of civil officers separates linguistic and communicative competence from linguistic consciousness, which we consider to be the integrity of the personality of the state policy leader, their unambiguous choice of Ukrainian-language content in speech, evidence-based position, priority support for citizens' appeals and proposals. Based on the results of the research by O. Andrianova, O. Shelikh, N. Vovchsta, N. Khlypavka, A. Posokhov and V. Kozlovsky, we define the following as the main ways of correcting the split of linguistic consciousness: influence on the psychology of the individual in order to overcome conformism, self-doubt; use of national and ethnopedagogy; levelling the influence of linguistic manipulations along with improving one's own Ukrainian speech – through self-observation, self-regulation and self-improvement; correction of the language "surzhyk" through methodological practices, etc. We supplement these means of forming language consciousness with modern pedagogical influences: listening to Ukrainian language content (songs, speeches, interviews) to develop the acquisition of stable speech constructions that facilitate personal speech; reading Ukrainian contemporary fiction and publicistic literature to develop an awareness of the content that is timely for the Ukrainian nation; staying as much as possible in the Ukrainian-speaking environment, communicating with various social Ukrainian-speaking groups (age, professional, business, etc.); maintaining social media pages in Ukrainian – with active support for Ukrainian-language content.
linguistic consciousness, the split of linguistic, civil officer, language competence, communication competence.

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