(2023) Science and education, 2, 72-76. Odessa.
Olesya Stoyka,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor,
Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages
of the Faculty of Foreign Philology,
Uzhgorod National University,
3, Narodna sq., Uzhgorod, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7695-6100
The civilization development of humanity, scientific and technological progress, challenges associated with the global pandemic, wars, along with the increasing demand for knowledge and the improvement of education level and quality, have inevitably led to a reduction in direct communication in the educational process between the teacher and the student and the implementation of distance learning, which requires the formation of digital competence in teachers. The article analyzes official documents, statistical data, and materials on higher education, vocational education, and training in EU countries and the Republic of Poland. The issue of digitizing the professional training of teachers in the Republic of Poland is currently regulated by regulatory acts. In the process of formulating the research problem, a complex of interdisciplinary methods is used: theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis to determine the main directions of research on the problem of digitalization the professional training of teachers; classification and generalization to identify common characteristics in processes and phenomena for the Republic of Poland and Ukraine regarding the digital transformation of teacher training; comparative analysis to identify and justify trends in the digitization of professional training in the researched countries; empirical methods such as studying the regulatory framework for digitizing higher education in the Republic of Poland and Ukraine, comparison based on one or several characteristics, description of factual information for analytical interpretation and study of specific facts and phenomena. The expectations of modern information society require constant and systematic review and updating of the regulatory framework on digitization of higher education in the Republic of Poland. Therefore, to support the professional training of highly qualified specialists, systematic measures should be implemented in the legislative field regarding the digitization of education. Modernization of the regulatory framework for the digitalization of education in the Republic of Poland is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the European educational space and the activities of international organizations regarding the digitalization of education, formation of digital literacy and competencies. The prospects for further research in the field of digitizing the professional training of teachers require taking into account the experience of leading countries in the world, particularly European countries that have started the process of reforming educational systems and their digitalization long before Ukraine, and their experience and results will be relevant and timely for borrowing in Ukraine.
teacher professional training, digitalization, regulatory framework, digital transformation, digital competencies.
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