(2023) Science and education, 1, 58-62. Odessa.
Roksoliana Pryzvanska,
PhD (Сandidate of Рsychological Sciences),
Associate Professor at the Department of Special Education,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
1, Universytetska Str., Lviv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7635-1227
The article is devoted to the problem of correcting stuttering in children, because such a speech disorder can be the cause of school failure, behavioral disorders and problems in communication with peers and adults. Characteristic speech defects in stuttering and analysis of the nature of this disorder, peculiarities of mental and physical development of children with stuttering are analyzed. The article emphasizes that the main cause of logoneurosis has a psychological affective nature (fright, fear, anger, shame), therefore, such a disorder requires a complex approach involving a neurologist, a speech therapist, correctional pedagogue, and psychocorrection should take place in a complex interaction. The need to introduce a system of timely diagnosis, correction and prevention of speech disorders into pedagogical practice is emphasized. An analysis of the impact of musical and rhythmic activity on the emotional state of children, the development of metro-rhythmic sense, and the ability to control the tempo of speech was carried out. The expediency of using logarithmics in the system of corrective work aimed at overcoming the symptoms of stuttering is justified, since various types of musical and rhythmic activities are capable of performing the function of psychotraining of individual mental properties: the tempo of speech and metro-rhythmic sense, the formation of willpower qualities of the individual, self-organization and mobility; improving concentration of attention. With the help of logorhythmic tools, children synchronize their speech with gestures, finger movements, and rhythmic movements of the whole body, develop new speech and motor skills, and speech is associated with a feeling of calmness and confidence. It is emphasized that the influence on the child's emotional sphere contributes to the formation of adequacy and completeness of emotions, sensitivity and stability; active creative musical and rhythmic activity, affecting all components of musical education, contributes to the psychological and creative freedom of the individual, increasing the level of self-esteem and belief in successfully overcoming one's own problems.
stuttering, speech disorder, correction, musical and rhythmic activity, logorhythmics.
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