(2023) Science and education, 1, 43-50. Odessa.
Natalya Melenchuk,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), Associate Professor,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4749-6889
The article presents the results of a theoretical-empirical study of psychological resources and factors of adventurousness as a stable personality trait. At this stage of the research, it is proven that emotional intelligence can function as a resource of adventurousness. It is assumed that indicators of adventurousness and emotional intelligence are related to each other, and a high level of emotional intelligence and its individual indicators can support and even provoke manifestations of adventurousness. The concepts of adventurousness and emotional intelligence are revealed. A description of existing ideas about adventurousness and emotional intelligence in the works of domestic and foreign scientists is provided. Adventurousness (tendency to adventurous behavior) as a complex property of the individual, is considered from the perspective of a continuous-hierarchical approach to the structure of the individual. The essence of emotional intelligence is revealed in the individual's ability to understand his own attitudes, represented in emotions, and to manage the emotional sphere on the basis of intellectual analysis and synthesis. The relevance of the research is determined by the need to study personality traits that require bold, quick, risky and adventurous actions in conditions of high uncertainty. It was used the following methods and techniques: «Adventurousness Test», «Diagnostics of emotional intelligence» and «Emotional intelligence» (EmIn) for examining adventurousness and emotional intelligence. Quantitative (correlation) and qualitative data analyzes were used. The results of the correlation analysis of the relationships between the indicators of adventurousness and emotional intelligence have been presented in the paper. The presence of positive significant relationships between indicators of adventurousness and most indicators of emotional intelligence has been revealed. The obtained results indicate that the tendency to adventurous behavior is characterized by the ability to understand the emotional state of a person based on external manifestations of emotions and internal states of other people; the ability to evoke certain emotions in other people; to recognize and understand one's own emotions; manage your emotions and control the external manifestations of your emotions. A description of the profiles of the characteristics of adventurousness of persons with different levels of emotional intelligence has been provided. The results have been obtained, confirming the influence of emotional intelligence on the manifestations of adventurousness, and thereby proving that emotional intelligence performs a resource function in relation to the tendency to adventurous behavior.
adventurousness, tendency to adventurous behavior, personality, emotional intelligence, personality trait, resource, quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis.
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