(2023) Science and education, 1, 30-34. Odessa.

Mykhailo Podoliak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), Associate Professor,
Stepan Gzhytskyi National University
of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lviv,
50, Pekarska Str., Lviv, Ukraine



Foreign language veterinary terminology serves as a means of communication between specialists at the international level. Most modern diagnostic methods, equipment, and drugs are written in a foreign language, English. Teaching English veterinary terms is a complex process requiring relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities from the teacher. The purpose of the article is to research and analyze the main problems in the process of teaching veterinary terms to students of Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions. The article aims to generalize and analyze the main issues in teaching English veterinary terms in secondary schools; propose solutions to problems and difficulties that arise in the educational process. Comparing the teaching of Ukrainian and English veterinary terminology, we note that the main challenges of education include: grammatical categories (gender, plural, case, etc.), vocabulary, mutual agreement of terms, and phonetics of English veterinary terms. It has been studied that most of the problems of learning English veterinary terms are due to their Greek and Latin etymology. In addition, a significant problem is a difference in the level of knowledge of the English language among students in the group. Another critical aspect of learning English veterinary terminology is matching parts of speech. Terms belonging to different parts of the language are coordinated with the help of endings in both Ukrainian and English. To correctly match English veterinary terms, the student needs to know a list of word-forming suffixes that can be used for conversion. A student assimilates foreign veterinary terms primarily by memorizing or memorizing terms and their translation. However, it is also worth emphasizing other effective methods of memorizing foreign veterinary terms: unintentional memorization of foreign language terms, use of VR technologies, learning through associations, case methods.


english veterinary term, learning terms, problems of learning terms, the etymology of the veterinary term, the morphology of term.



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