(2023) Science and education, 1, 11-16. Odessa.
Denis Bondarenko,
Teacher of Physics and Mathematics,
Kharkiv Gymnasium № 12 of the Kharkiv City Council of the Kharkiv,
35A, Chuguivska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine
Postgraduate student of the III educational and scientific level of higher education
by specialty 011 Educational, pedagogical sciences,
Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovoroda,
2, Valentinivska Str., Kharkiv, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6602-5337
The article reveals examples of the use of QR technologies in lessons at a basic school in the period of distance or mixed learning. It was determined that the use of the powerful educational potential of innovative technologies contributes to the development of not only the cognitive interest of students, but also contributes to the formation of their readiness for innovative activities. An in-depth analysis of the concept of «innovative technologies» was carried out, their essence and content, and the feasibility of using them in the educational process were determined. The practical achievements of the institution of general secondary education in the direction of using elements of innovative technologies during distance or mixed learning, which make it possible to improve the educational process in general and the process of forming students' readiness for innovative activities in particular, are highlighted. Also, practical experience has proven the effectiveness of using elements of innovative technologies in the lessons of the disciplines of the natural-mathematical cycle. This made it possible to state that the process of forming students' readiness for innovative activity primarily depends on the teacher's motivation, readiness and level of interest and mastery of innovative technologies. After all, the systematic use of innovative technologies by the teacher, his ability to show the necessity and expediency of their use, to show innovative ways of solving specific problems will convince students and force them to inevitably engage in innovative activities. It was found that the use of innovative educational technologies is an effective means of organizing educational and cognitive activities in the period of distance and mixed learning, which allows students to be included in independent innovative activities and to form their readiness for innovative activities in everyday life. In the research process, the methodological base was composed of a set of theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), empirical methods (observation of the actions of participants in the educational process).
QR technologies, distance and mixed education, innovative activity, innovations, pedagogical technology, elementary and secondary school students.
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