(2023) Science and education, 1, 63-69. Odessa.
Svitlana Sytnik,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5875-919X
The article presents findings of the study of emotional determinants activating personal preferences for a particular way of resolving conflict situations. It refers to such emotional personal qualities as emotional intelligence, emotional stability, expressiveness, courage, sensitivity, anxiety, and tension. The correlation analysis results showed the presence of statistically significant relations between indicators characterizing emotional intelligence, emotional personality properties, and methods of overcoming conflict situations. Thus, emotional intelligence is directly associated with cooperation or compromise tendencies, negatively – with confrontational behavior; confidence, calmness – with the decision to cooperate with opponents; emotional instability – with the search for a compromise; stiffness – with the adjustment option; safety – with conflict avoidance. When comparing groups with the opposite manifestation of the mentioned emotional determinants according to indicators of overcoming a conflict situation, it was possible to establish that reserved, prudent, and careful people with low emotional intelligence are more prone to rivalry. Confident individuals with high emotional intelligence often resort to compromise. The tendency to cooperate is more characteristic of emotionally stable, cheerful, easy-going, relaxed, and confident individuals with high emotional intelligence. Adaptation to opponents is more characteristic of emotionally unstable, cautious, timid, and shy individuals with low emotional intelligence. Security-focused subjects are more likely to use avoidance than reserved and prudent subjects. Using factor analysis, it was established complexes of emotional determinants, which drive personal preferences for overcoming the conflict in a certain way. Therefore, for rivalry, this is restraint, restlessness and low emotional intelligence, for compromise – self-confidence, carefreeness, and high emotional intelligence, for cooperation – emotional stability, optimism and risk-taking, and for adaptation – caution and uncertainty.
emotional intelligence, emotional personality traits, ways to resolve conflict.
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