(2022) Science and education, 3, 48-52. Odessa.

Наnna Koval,
Doctor of philosophy, Candidate of Psychology Position,
Associate Professor of Department of differential and special psychology
Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University
Ukraine, Odessa, Dvoryanskaya str., 2.
ORCID 0000-0003-0291-7501




It is emphasized that the active development of new technologies has led to the identification of cyberpsychology as a unique discipline that investigates psychological processes related to various aspects and features of technologically determined human behavior. The transdisciplinary nature of cyberpsychology is formed taking into account a number of theoretical perspectives and is in the phase of active development. The purpose of the article is to consider the history of formation, the current state of development and prospects of cyberpsychology. Research methods. When examining cyberpsychology as a branch of psychology, an integrative approach was used, combining various research methods and a close connection of theoretical ideas with the concrete realities of the development of psychological science in the 21st century. The basis of the work was general scientific principles of objectivity, concreteness, universal methods of theoretical knowledge in the form of analysis and synthesis, abstraction, comparison and modeling. The results of the research. The author states that cyberpsychology includes numerous and intersecting disciplines, such as computer science, engineering and psychology. Online communication in social networks is one of the most researched and updated areas of cyberpsychology. It is noted that social media is a primary source of online communication, which allows not only to interact effectively, but also to demonstrate hidden aggression and the desire to dominate others, who are often much weaker. The research is focused on elucidating the motives, features of psychosocial influence, and the purposes of using video games in various fields – from education to behavior change. It is emphasized that the use of computer games helps to optimize cognitive functioning and social relationships in the elderly, minimize the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, the destructive effect of obsessive memories and depression, and improve mood. The virtual environment leads to activation of all cognitive functions of the player. In the future, this will increase children's information processing capabilities, slow down the development of existing cognitive disorders. It is noted that the use of mobile applications has significant potential in monitoring or reducing symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression. They demonstrate the prospect of ease of use and access, while simultaneously developing self-control skills in users. It is concluded that cyber psychology is in active development, stimulates related psychological fields and disciplines. It should be recognized that the field of cyberpsychology is largely in its infancy, which causes the absence of a unique and agreed conceptual apparatus and scientific boundaries.


cyberpsychology, cyberbullying, mobile application, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, digital addiction, Internet communication.




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