(2022) Science and education, 3, 14-18. Odessa.

Olena Kostenko,
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy,
H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University,
Alchevskyh st., 29, Kharkiv, Ukraine
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0354-8875




In the modern context, inter- and trans-disciplinary studies are deservedly gaining more and more popularity. In the educological context, combinations with related disciplines, such as sociology, can be fruitful. Despite some difference in the subjects of research, relevant borrowings have great generative potential. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate, on the concrete example of the social theory of Norbert Elias, that the theoreticalmethodological interaction of sociology and educology is productive and important for finding new research questions and, accordingly, for a deeper understanding of the research subject. With the help of qualitative content analysis and general scientific methods of theoretical research, the author analyzes the social theory of Norbert Elias and reveals its content. The analysis took place in three stages: summarizing, explicating and structuring. At the first stage, the corpus of Elias’ texts were studied in detail in order to create a single text that includes all the elements of the theory. At the second stage, expert comments were added to unclear passages of the text, explaining some ambiguous points. At the third stage, the text was subjected to interpretation-coding, which enabled a deeper understanding of what was written. As a result, it was established that the theoretical-conceptual apparatus based on the concepts of figuration, power relations and individual and social habitus, developed by Norbert Elias for studying and understanding the surrounding reality, has the potential to be applied in educological research. The advantages in this case include the possibility of simultaneous micro-, meso- and macro-analysis, an additional point of view and an expansion of the arsenal of research questions in educology. Dangers include thoughtless eclecticism and inadequate attention to the peculiarities of the subject of research in each of the disciplines. The article may be of interest to anyone who is interested in issues of interdisciplinarity in educology.


interdisciplinarity, theoretical and methodological base of research, educology, Norbert Elias, qualitative
content analysis.




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