Iryna Pyvovarchyk, Liudmyla Tsybukh, Liudmyla Badiul. PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING AND INTELLIGENCE

(2022) Science and education, 3, 61-69. Odessa.

Iryna Pyvovarchyk,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
KZVO “Odessa Academy of Continuous Education of Odessa Regional Council”

Liudmyla Tsybukh,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
KZVO “Odessa Academy of Continuous Education of Odessa Regional Council”

Liudmyla Badiul,
Senior teacher of the Department of foreign languages
Odesa National Economic University



The work considers the problem of the relationship between the person’s psychological well-being and his/her level of intelligence. Basing on theoretical analysis, the authors consider the main approaches to the research of the psychological well-being problem in psychology, its structure and relationship with intelligence. The analysis showed that the model of psychological well-being is multidimensional. It is determined that today there are many studies of psychological well-being in psychological science, its structure and relationship of psychological well-being indicators (self-acceptance, autonomy, life goals, positive relations with others, personal development, environment management) with value-sense orientations, personality resilience, emotional intelligence. At the same time, there is a lack of research on the association of psychological well-being and general intelligence. The experiment was conducted in May 2021 using an online Google Forms survey. The study sample was formed on a voluntary basis. The number of respondents who took part in the research was 655 people: 418 women and 237 men. The study involved internet users aged 17 to 65. The majority of respondents who answered all the questions and took part in the research were young people under 25. In the course of the empirical study, based on the use of the “Psychological Well-being Scale” by C. Ryff in the adaptation of M. Lepeshinsky and the Test of Effective Intelligence (TEI-2010.A), the authors recorded men’s and women’s statistical differences at different levels of significance. It is statistically confirmed that men and women differ in the overall indicator of psychological well-being, as well as in the indicator of personal growth. At the same time, the results of the research showed the absence of a statistical difference between men and women in the indicator of the development of effective intelligence. The study conducted by the authors did not find statistically significant associations between indicators of psychological well-being and an indicator of the development of effective intelligence. This conclusion was confirmed by correlation analysis.


psychological well-being, subjective well-being, life satisfaction, personality, emotional intelligence, general intelligence.




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