Lesia Rutian. Organizational and content conditions of struggle against domestic violence against women.

(2022) Science and education, 1, 48-54. Odessa.

Lesia Rutian,
PhD student of the Department of Social Rehabilitation and Social Pedagogy,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
2A, Akademika Glushkov Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine



Diagnostic analysis of domestic violence against women showed that this problem should be considered as a sci-entific concept. The attitude of society representatives to the manifestations of domestic violence against women was revealed. Their awareness of the essential characteristics of the studied phenomenon is described; availability of moti-vation to struggle against domestic violence; the real state of formation of professional knowledge and skills, ways to prevent domestic violence against women. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the organizational and substan-tive conditions for the prevention of domestic violence against women (informational and explanatory social and psy-chological work with perpetrators; interdepartmental interaction in socio-psychological work with victims of domestic violence; actualization of legal competence of victims of domestic violence through non-formal education). The struc-ture of socio-pedagogical prevention of domestic violence against women is determined, which consists of components such as: organizational, procedural, rehabilitation; criteria (managerial, activity, preventive) and indicators (organiza-tional component: detection of an act of violence, notification to law enforcement agencies, notification to the Depart-ment of Labor and Social Protection, decision-making on further work; procedural component: first aid, referral of vic-tims to qualification services, work with offenders, rehabilitation component: the formation of legal competence, the formation of reflection, work with a psychologist / a social worker) socio-pedagogical prevention of domestic violence against women. The methodological basis of the study are methods that have been selected to know a woman's own self; which allowed women to find out the level of their motivation, awareness, literacy in order to form in them the goal of eliminating domestic violence against women. It should be noted that the questionnaire guaranteed complete confidentiality to the respondents, which allowed women to have less pain and to answer the proposed questions hon-estly. It was concluded that interdepartmental cooperation of all institutions is necessary for the systematic prevention of domestic violence against women. Effective interdepartmental interaction aims to solve the problem of violence against women more effectively; it is one of the main functions of this mechanism. All institutions of interdepartmental interaction (i.e. local communities at all levels) must maintain effective coordination with each other. It is the coordination of actions that becomes the basis for reflecting more effective interdepartmental interaction. The use of public insti-tutions of general information will help to create clear and effective criteria for monitoring and assessing the state of work of public institutions in the fight against domestic violence against women.


violence, organizational component, procedural component, rehabilitation component, informational and explanatory social and psychological work with perpetrators; interdepartmental interaction, legal competence.




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