Anatoliy Chustrak. Psychoemotional energy potential as an indicator of human physical well-being.

(2022) Science and education, 1, 36-42. Odessa.

Anatoliy Chustrak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
privat-professor of the Department of Gymnastics and Martial Arts,
The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky"
26, Staroportofrankivska Street, Odesa, Ukraine



It is known that positive emotions improve health and prolong a person's life, increase immunity and prevent the development of depression. The psychoemotional state worsens, concentration decreases, negative thinking prevails with a lack of energy; there is weakness, apathy, loss of self-confidence. The article presents certain theoretical and empirical results of research that reveal some positions of psychoemotional energy potential (PEEP) of a person based on psychophysiological data. In order to control and regulate the human physical well-being, the studies of changes in PEEP along with other indicators (vital capacity, heart rate, oxygen saturation, strength, weight change) of middle-aged people before and after exercise have been shown. The importance of PEEP management as an indicator of a person's physical well-being is emphasized, which in most cases is not taken into account. In order to train, work and “live at full capacity” you need not only to load yourself as much as possible, but also to be able to “zone out” and fully recover. It is revealed that psychoemotional energy potential activates a person's physical well-being. Emotional-motivational and energy-active components of different order are important features of PEEP. It is shown that taking into account the available data on changes in PEEP indicators allows regulating the general physical well-being of a person in the training process. It is established that the creation of certain conditions of human activity and training process, such as: optimization of physical activity; coping with stress and negativity through gymnastics, meditation, breathing exercises and relaxing techniques; normalization of sleep; healthy vitamin food and creativity that adds positive emotions, significantly increase PEEP physical well-being. Recommendations for PEEP stimulation are also provided.


positive emotions, psychoemotional energy potential, physical well-being.




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