Oleksiy Chebykin. Antonina Kichuk. Study of the relationship of the features of psycho-emotional health with data of life activity in youth.

(2022) Science and education, 1, 22-29. Odessa.

Oleksiy Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor,
full member of the NAES of Ukraine,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska, Str., Odesa, Ukraine,

Antonina Kichuk,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
Izmail State University for the Humanities,
12, Repin Str., Izmail, Ukraine



The article analyzes the problem of the uniqueness of psycho-emotional health of the individual during adoles-cence. The leading components of this phenomenon are outlined. The expediency of considering the construct "psycho-emotional health" as an independent subject of research is substantiated. Psycho-emotional health is understood by us as an integrative property of the individual that has lifelong (unparalleled) value due to the determinism of the search for meaning of life. It characterizes the personality as a whole, its psychological resourcefulness, determining the ability to develop own subjectivity in today's changing world. It has different rates of formation, quality scales, due to the indi-vidual's ability to self-development at different ages. This is especially evident in adolescence, when it is believed that all scientifically established dimensions of the emotional sphere of the human psyche become clear (self-creation of emotions; sign, modality, intensity of emotional experiences; available vector of emotional personal readiness; dimen-sion of emotional self-knowledge; ability to spiritual experiences). Construction of the construct "psycho-emotional health" creates an opportunity to fully comprehend it as a psychological phenomenon and personal property, which integrates all the established components of the emotional sphere - value-motivational, informative-reflexive. In addi-tion, we are talking about psycho-emotional health as a complex and, at the same time, holistic personal education that accumulates regulatory-adaptive and active potential. Psychological mechanisms of positive dynamics of psycho-emotional health of an individual are identification, emotional self-regulation, reflection, empathy, imitation, mental infection. The results of analytical work aimed at clarifying the component composition (axiological, cognitive-affective, conative-instrumental, social-determinative) and scales of levels of psycho-emotional health of the individual in adulthood (subjective - predictive-creative; personal - adaptive-program; social - similar-adaptive; individual – psy-cho-emotional ill health). The originality of the author's questionnaire and some parallel methods aimed at establishing links between students' psycho-emotional health and vitality, indicators of stress resistance, depression, and subjective feelings of loneliness are highlighted. The results of factor analysis, which determine the dynamics of the processes of self-knowledge, self-preservation, self-recovery and strengthening the psycho-emotional health of students, in particu-lar, in higher education are identified.


mental health, psychological health, emotional health, psycho-emotional health, vitality, personality of mature adolescence.




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