Olena Kovalenko. Some theoretical approaches to psychological support for the elderly during quarantine.

(2022) Science and education, 1, 5-13. Odessa.

Olena Kovalenko,
Doctor of Psychology, professor,
chief researcher of the Department of Andragogy,
Ivan Ziazun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of
Educational Sciences of Ukraine,
9, Maksyma Berlynskoho Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
adjunct of the Institute of Social Affairs and Public Health, Pedagogical University of Krakow,
2, Podchorążych Str., 30-084, Kraków, Poland



The article is devoted to the substantiation of the model of psychological support for elderly people who are in dif-ficult life circumstances due to the quarantine restrictions. The views of scientists on the development of personality in elderly and the specifics of psychological support of the individual in difficult living conditions are analyzed and sum-marized. The patterns of mental development, mechanisms of personality development in elderly, elder person`s leading activity, mental neoplasms, features of the social situation of development are characterized; attention was focused on the features of aging personality. The essence, purpose and means of psychological support were analyzed. The need for a systematic analysis of scientific knowledge on the problem of psychological support of the elderly during quarantine was stated. The study is based on the personal-communicative approach, according to which a personality is the subject of interpersonal communication and conscious activity, that forms a dynamic unity, a system of various interconnected mental processes and properties. Psychological support is considered as a process (creation of conditions and opportuni-ties that will promote a personality`s development) and the result (social situation of development, which corresponds to the age and individual features). It was emphasized that the psychological support of the elderly should be related, first-ly, to the impact on their ability to analyze and evaluate life events and everything what happens to them, to adjust and update the meaning of their lives; secondly, to the organization of their own living space and time, regulation of their emotions and experiences; thirdly, to interpersonal communication, establishing and maintaining the necessary contacts with other people. Principles of the support were identified. Means (physical activity, intellectual activity, art, self-suggestion, religious preferences, interaction etc.) of the support were defined. Factors (natural, anthropogenic and social environment; biological, social and psychological properties of the elderly) of the support were also defined. Methods (information and training) of the support were identified. Circles of interaction of an elderly person (immedi-ate family and friends; acquaintances, relatives, persons who provide the elderly with certain professional services on a regular basis; various members of society with whom the elderly meet periodically) were identified. The model of psy-chological support for the elderly during quarantine was created. The main stages of such support were specified (study Psychology - Education Science and Education, 2022, Issue 1 13 of psychological characteristics of the elderly, individual characteristics of those people who around and features of interaction between them; development and implementation of various means of influencing the elderly and those around them; the study of the effectiveness of the impact program).


elderly, psychological support, quarantine, model.




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