Olena Kosianova, Olena Nazaruk. Features of Life Satisfaction and Deceptiveness in Adolescence.

(2021) Science and education, 4, 36-45. Odessa.

Olena Kosianova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
docent of the Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine,
Olena Nazaruk,
Master of Psychology,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



Many researchers in various fields of psychology, as well as specialists who are not related to psychological study, such as sociologists, political scientists, economists, have considered such a phenomenon as “life satisfaction” in recent decades. There is also a heightened interest in life satisfaction in the applied aspect. The state of the personality in the psychological point of view is determined more often by emotional stability, stress resistance, high motivation, therefore, in a word, harmonious relations in the world around and with oneself. The researchers are faced with the question: “How can you achieve life satisfaction using such a harmonious construction?”. Life satisfaction can act as a constant feature and tool for achieving and realizing a person's life path in general. This phenomenon is associated in psychological studies with such names as: M. Argyle, A. Maslow, V. Frankl, R. R. May, E. Benko, etc. According to the general life satisfaction, which is closely related to the given problem of important aspects of life (self-esteem; family; friendship; social aspects, such as: work, learning activity; economic and social status, etc.). In the meantime, all these person`s spheres of life are closely connected with one more phenomenon, namely the deceptiveness of personality. But as the study of different age periods shows, it is especially important that the characteristic feature of the personality is manifested in adolescents. It is in this age and the propensity to deceive can influence the future behavioral strategies and leave a mark on the whole path of life. The aim of this study was to find the features of life satisfaction and the specifics of delusional personality in adolescence. A total of 48 young people aged 18 to 23 took part in the study. The following research methods were used: theoretical (classification, structuring and analysis of approaches to the study and understanding of delusion and life satisfaction in the psychological literature); empirical (test methods: Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (M. M. Melnikova), The Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWSL; E. Diner (1985)); Multidimensional-Functional Diagnosis of Lies (V. P. Pryadein, I. A. Tserkovnikov), “Motives of Telling Lies” by I. P. Shkuratova, as well as mathematical and statistical (data processing was done using Microsoft Excel, SPSS 26.0 for Windows XP). The correlation analysis revealed the presence of significant positive and negative relationships at the level of 1% and 5% between the causes and motivations of delusion, its components with life satisfaction. The obtained correlation relationships confirm the assumptions about the interconnectedness and mutual influence of the studied indicators of delusion and life satisfaction. The groups of subjects with high and low level of life satisfaction (according to E. Diner) were determined: the group with high value indicator of the general level of life satisfaction (HLS, n = 12) and the group with low value indicator of the general level of life satisfaction (LLS, n = 16 ), which made it possible to study the psychological features of deception, motivation to use deceptiveness in everyday life in all spheres of life and study the peculiarities of the content of the components of motivation to use deceptiveness in adolescence.


life satisfaction, deceptiveness of personality, motives and reasons for deception, general level of life satisfaction.




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