Anatolii Bosenko, Petro Plahtiy, Mariia Topchii, Yevhen Kozak, Olena Bosenko. Advance in The Method of Manufacture and Use of Express Diabetic Honey For Health Improvement.

(2021) Science and education, 4, 30-36. Odessa.

Anatolii Bosenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
professor, professor of the Department of Biology and Health Protection,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Street, Odessa, Ukraine,
Petro Plahtiy,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), associate professor,
associate professor of the Department of Biology and Methods of its Teaching,
Ivan Ogienko National University of Kamyanets-Podilsky,
61, Ogienko Street, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine,
Mariia Topchii,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
head of the Department of Biology and Health Protection,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Street, Odessa, Ukraine,
Yevhen Kozak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
associate professor of the Department of Sports and Sports Games,
Ivan Ogienko National University of Kamyanets-Podilsky,
61, Ogienko Street, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine
Olena Bosenko,
Municipal Institution "Odessa Pedagogical Professional College",
1, Gretska Street, Odessa, Ukraine



The article is devoted to the problem of making express diabetic honey to prevent and improve health, as well as to treat diabetic individuals. The disease has become extremely widespread both globally and in individual countries. It was registered that over 425 million people have diabetes for the current year. According to this situation, the medical expenses reach up to 727 billion US dollars, which could be spent to the improvement of the quality of living standards. The number of cases of diabetes is about 1.3 million adults against the backdrop of difficult demographic situation in Ukraine. Unfortunately, there is a negative trend in our country towards the spread of the disease among young people and children, even preschoolers. In accordance with a prognostic point of view, the prospect of today's young generation seems highly undesirable – that is, to be among people with this pathology all their lives. Therefore, solving the problem through prevention and healthy lifestyle is important. Due to shortages of medicines and financial support for certain population category, the solution in this case is seen in the expansion of folk remedies for prevention and treatment, the leading place among which are bee products. The aim of the study was to develop a method of making diabetic express honey from blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.), Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.), common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and to study its effect on changes in glucose, total protein and plasma protein fractions (PPF) of diabetics. According to studies of two groups of males (control and experimental) aged 50-70 years with a total of 24 people, it was found that the use of developed by the author's methodology of express diabetic honey from blueberries, Jerusalem artichokes and common beans helps to stabilize blood glucose levels; it has a positive effect on protein metabolism and immunity of diabetics, as well as enhances the effect of oral antidiabetic drugs.


express diabetic honey, diabetes, protein, blood plasma, glucose.




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