Viktoriya Bilytska. Cultural Competence as One of The Key Competencies in The Renewal Ukrainian Education System.

(2021) Science and education, 3, 59-67. Odessa.

Viktoriya Bilytska,
Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer,
Department of Theory, Practice, and Translation of German,
National Technical University of Ukraine
“Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,
37, Peremohy Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine



The aim of the article is to specify the content of cultural competence and the expected results of its development in the context of basic secondary education. Cultural competence as the educational term was first defined in the Law “On Education” in Ukraine (2017) and in the State Standard of the Basic Secondary Education (2020) for the 5th - 12th classes1 . The article specifies the process of cultural competence attainment and the expected learning outcomes. The results of the study are formulated based on a logical-semantic analysis and structural-functional clarification of the cultural competence essence, separation of its structural components, and interpretation of the provisions of adopted Regulation documents, Standards, and Recommendations on Education Policy, as well as a reflective analysis of research results on the concept of cultural competence in national and international researches. The cultural competence of a person is manifested in the form of a core competence that allows him or her to independently understand and freely use at his or her discretion the whole range of acquired competencies and expertise in socio-cultural and general, institutional and conventional norms and regulators of behavior in mobile social communication, including in different languages. Scientific discussion of the competence concept is an up-to-date issue due to the reformation of the Ukrainian educational system, according to the world model.


cultural competence, key competence, development of cultural competence, basic secondary education, Ukrainian educational system, Law On Education of Ukraine, the State Standard of the Basic Secondary Education of Ukraine.




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