Elena Sashurina, Stanislav Larionov. Psychological Resources of The Personality of Law Enforcement Agencies at The Stage of Professional Training.

(2021) Science and education, 3, 29-37. Odessa.

Elena Sashurina,
PhD student,
Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs,
27, Lva Landau Ave., Kharkiv, Ukraine,
Stanislav Larionov,
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine,
3A, Defenders of Ukraine Square, Kharkiv, Ukraine



The social demands and expectations regarding the work of law enforcement agencies have never been so high as now; the surrounding society wants to see professional and humane police officers and to feel the effectiveness of their professional activities. The system of law enforcement agencies in recent years is in a state of permanent transformation, that is what aggravates the problem of quality training of its staff. It lies in the fact that, first, there are not enough applicants for the service, and second, the available candidates mostly do not fully correspond to the established decision criterion. This orients managers and practical psychologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to find and improve the ways to support and develop staff, to keep them in the workplace; it also focuses on the realization that employees are important and have potential opportunities and resources for self-development. The professional development of law enforcement agencies usually begins in departmental higher educational institutions, which determines the relevance of the study of psychological resources of the law enforcement agency`s personality at the stage of professional training and defines the aim of the current article. The complex of theoretical and empirical search methods was used during the study, in particular the method “Psychological Narrative Analysis of Crisis / Traumatic Events” developed by V. I. Shebanova. The sample consisted of 84 future law enforcement agencies who study and serve at the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. The study identified the main significant events in the life and attitude of law enforcement agencies at the teaching stage in the higher educational institutions with specific conditions. It is found that they can be divided into seven categories, in which there are important events common to military students: school; training and service activities in the higher educational institutions; family; difficult life events; losses; personal relationships; etc. It is determined that the most important life events happened to military students in the life period before entering higher educational institutions, which should focus on finding resources in psychological support to the autobiographical narrative of the individual. The range of military students' psychological resources is identified, including emotional experiences of pleasant events, interaction with significant relatives, “adult” reassessment of situations and positive thinking, finding new connections and contacts, awareness of target requests and the impact of events on the future.


narrative, law enforcement agencies, military students, psychological resources, situations, traumatic events.




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