Svitlana Sytnik, Oleksiy Chebykin. Orientation in Communication as a Personal Resource of Effective Interpersonal Interaction.

(2021) Science and education, 3, 22-29. Odessa.

Svitlana Sytnik,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,
Department of Theory and Methods of Practical Psychology,
Oleksiy Chebykin,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor,
Full member of the NAES of Ukraine,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky»,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Odesa, Ukraine



The results of an empirical study of the influence of different types of orientation in communication on the formation of personal resource of interpersonal interaction are presented in the article. The analysis of the results of the study consisted of three successive steps to test the hypothesis that the type of orientation in communication affects the formation of the personal resource of interpersonal interaction. First, it is the clarification of the general trends in the manifestation of different types of communication orientation in modern youth. Second, it is the establishing the nature of the relationship between the types of communication orientation with the personal components of interpersonal interaction. Third, it is the comparison of groups studied by different types of orientation in communication. As a result of the study, it was determined that three tendencies are most common in the communication of modern youth: a) to build it on mutual trust, respect, mutual understanding and openness; b) focus efforts on voluntary and selfless centering on the partner; c) treat partners as a means, an object of covert manipulation. It is established in the process of correlation analysis that all types of communication orientation in some way affect the formation of the personal resource of interpersonal interaction. This is most evident in the direct links of alterocentric tendencies with motivational, emotional, cognitive components and the general indicator of the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction; as well as in the negative links of authoritarian and indifferent orientation with motivation, emotional and volitional regulation, and as a consequence, the personal basis of interpersonal interaction in general. Furthermore, the direct correlations of dialogic orientation of communication with the motivational component, manipulative and conformal orientation with the cognitive component of interpersonal interaction were revealed. It was found by comparing groups of subjects with the dominance of different types of orientation in communication, that the alterocentric type more than other types contributes to the highest manifestation of personal resource of interpersonal interaction, manifested both at the level of all its components and overall efficiency of this process. Authoritarian type leads to a deficient nature of the formation of personal resources, which reduces the effectiveness of interpersonal interaction. Dialogic orientation of communication is characteristic of young people with a moderate formation of all components of interpersonal interaction. A feature of young people with a predominance of conformal type of orientation is high self-confidence, independence, endurance and self-control. The dominance of the indifferent type leads to a lack of communication skills, and therefore representatives of this type often distort the feelings of partners; they do not know how to negotiate.


 personality orientation, communication, interpersonal interaction, personal components.




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