Svetlana Zinchenko, Larysa Savchenko. Pedagogical Management of The Trajectory of Professional Adaptation of Students Participating in Military Operations to Productive Activities in The Field of Services.

(2021) Science and education, 2, 59-65. Odessa.

Svetlana Zinchenko,
Director of the Nikopol Regional center for Monitoring Education
and Social Partnership National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine,
Honored Worker of Education of Ukraine,
Larysa Savchenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor,
Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Technological Education,
Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University,



The article proposes tools for effective management of the trajectory of professional adaptation of military students (participants in military operations) to productive activities at a higher institution as an innovative pedagogical technology. The article identifies the practical ways to build, update and apply a set of pedagogical mechanisms for effective management of individual professional adaptation line to productive activities of students (participants in military operations) during higher education. An individual educational route is a personal program of effective management of a specialist’s professional adaptation according to his/her age and skills, interests, incentives based on an educational and professional program. The article indicates the influence of educational, training, research and organizational activities on positive dynamics of the professional adaptation line to the productive activities in the field of services of students participating in military operations. This influence is shown and reasoned by a schedule of professional adaptation line management. The article determines the conceptual framework of an integrated approach to effective management of the professional adaptation line of students participating in military operations, which is confirmed by practical effect. In our opinion, the development of the theory of productive professional activity in the field of services of a student-participants in military operations will solve this problem. The article defines the functions of effective management and improvement of the professional adaptation line. The article uses the theoretical research methods: analysis of scientific-methodical and program documentation; empirical methods: questionnaires, testing, surveys and experimental approaches, graphic and schematic interpretations.


professional adaptation, professional adaptation line, pedagogical mechanisms, productive activity, competitiveness, students participating in military operations.




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