Valentyna Todorova, Olha Bondarenko, Marina Fidirko, Tetiana Pasichna, Hanna Titova. Improvement of The Content of Choreographic Training of Highly Qualified Athletes in Aerobic Gymnastics.

(2021) Science and education, 2, 41-47. Odessa.

Valentyna Todorova,
Doctor of Physical Education and Sport, professor,
Department of Gymnastics and Martial Arts,
The state institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Olha Bondarenko,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Gymnastics and Martial Arts,
The state institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Marina Fidirko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
associate professor of Physical Education,
National University “ODESSA LAW ACADEMY”,
23, Fontanska Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Tetiana Pasichna,
associate professor, Honored Coach of Ukraine,
President of the Federation of Ukraine in sports aerobics and fitness,
lecturer of the Department of Sports Improvement,
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”,
37, Peremogy Avenue, Kyiv, Ukraine,
Hanna Titova,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
associate professor of Sports Games,
The state institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The study identified areas for improvement of choreographic training in aerobic gymnastics. Improving the structure and content of choreographic training of athletes in aerobic gymnastics remains one of the central problems of the theory and methods of training athletes. The current level of world achievements in this sport, the growth of its popularity and the expansion of the geography of competitions requires the search for new scientifically sound, effective methods of choreographic training that meet modern trends in sports. One of the ways to improve the methodology of choreographic training in aerobic gymnastics should be intensified work on the technique of performing elements inherent in the sport, as well as choreographic movements. For this purpose, it is necessary to improve the program material on choreographic training, to systematize it according to modern tendencies of development of aerobic gymnastics, and also to adapt to a stage of preparation of the highest achievements of athletes. The article is aimed to increase the effectiveness of choreographic training in aerobic gymnastics at the stage of preparation for higher achievements. Materials and methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data of scientific, methodical and special literature, documentary materials. The analysis of the data allowed to outline areas for improving the content of choreographic training at the stage of preparation for higher achievements in aerobic gymnastics: creating the latest methods of choreographic training, improving regulations, taking into account the specifics and trends of aerobic gymnastics in software development of choreographic training; development of a control system for choreographic training; improvement of means of education of expressiveness, improvement of compositions of competitive programs. The content of choreographic training of athletes at the stage of preparation for higher achievements in aerobic gymnastics has been improved, in which means and methods of improving choreographic training in accordance with modern requirements of the sport have been selected, the optimal amount of load has been established; means of education of expressiveness and a technique of perfection of competitive compositions have been introduced, means and methods of control of choreographic readiness of athletes have been developed.


aerobic gymnastics, choreographic training, stage of preparation of higher achievements, software, means, methods, control.




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