Fred Voskoboynikov. A Systemic Approach to Implementing Psychological Factors in Management.

(2021) Science and education, 2, 20-26. Odessa.

Fred Voskoboynikov,
BS in Physiology of Human,
MS in Industrial-Organizational Psychology,
Honorary Professor of Psychology
(The Baltic Academy of Education,
35, Dekabristov Str., St-Petersburg, Russia),
129, Idora Avenue, San Francisco, California, USA



In this work we will consider some aspects of management as a scientific and applied discipline. Ensuring the effectiveness of management requires a new way of thinking characterized by the systemic, flexible, responsive, and a non-standard approach to the decision making. According to the systemic-structural activity theory, as a scientific basis for self-regulation, human activity is considered to be a goal-directed self-regulative system. The main focus of our discussion will be on what is essential for managerial activity from the psychological perspective. Specific attention will be paid to the way managers relate to subordinates and how this factor effects the group moral and psychological atmosphere in the workplace. Possessing only the technical knowledge in a chosen field of activity does not necessarily make a person effective manager. To achieve the desired objectives and maintain people satisfaction at work place one must be prepared to think of them in human terms. People are filled with thoughts and ideas and they want to experience satisfaction from their implementation. We will present some important factors of the psychological nature which should be applied to the practice of management. Such factors as consideration for subordinates’ personality features, their individual style of performance and their communicative anilities, as well as their goals, desires and objectives. The effect of a group environment on individual performance and the phenomenon of psychological compatibility are also considered in this work. We will also briefly dwell on the history of motivation in industry and the emergence of a new direction in managerial activity as a demand of the developing society. At this juncture we will emphasize on how the science of management first emerged in a form of applying a mechanistic approach in managing people’s activities in industries and, further, by bringing the human element into consideration in the search for efficiency.


management, management styles, activity theory, systemic-structural activity theory, psychological factors in management, personality features, individual style of activity, compatibility factor, communicative abilities.




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