Serhii Dolynnyi. Personality Psychology in The Context of Conflict Interpritations.

(2021) Science and education, 2, 15-19. Odessa.

Serhii Dolynnyi,
PhD student,
Department of Psychology and Social Work,
Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University named after Mikhail Kotsyubinsky,
32, Ostrozhskogo Str., Vinnitsa, Ukraine,
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7146-6383



The article analyzes the most important psychological preconditions of a conflict situation on the basis of which the strategy and tactics of people's behavior in case of differences of their interests are formed. The main psychological models of conflict are presented in the study, which is used to interpret sociotypes that highlight the psychological portrait of the individual in the perspective of modernity. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the causal dysfunctions in the implementation of conflict situations and highlight ideas for avoiding conflict demonstrated by the individual. The study used the Keirsey questionnaire to assess the temperament of participants and K. N. Thomas' methodology to determine their typical ways of responding to a conflict situation, which identified the tendency of sociotypes to rivalry and cooperation, the desire for compromise, conflict avoidance and flexibility in decision making. The article considers a concept of personality types and their interaction in the structure of interpersonal relationships. According to the methodology of D. Keirsey, which is based on the typology of Carl Jung and the theory of information metabolism of A. Kempynsky, there are 16 types of information sharing between individuals. The formation of a sensitive image of a person as an adequate information subject characterizes the problem of defining a person’s personality in a continuous flow of information, communicative perceptions, innovative competencies and different value systems. Having followed the method of K. N. Thomas that is designed to determine the typical ways of individuals’ responds to conflict situations, we determine an inclination of the above mentioned sociotypes to competition and cooperation, as well as desire to compromise and avoid conflicts, and flexibility in decision making. In the framework of the Socionic model, the subjects of information influences make adequate assessment of their potential, find appropriate ways of self-realization, competitively and objectively perceive the abilities of others in order to form a harmonious relationship with them. The problem that arises in a conflict always stands in the way of the implementation of goals, which refer to both the interests and fears of person. Barriers that work against the implementation of needs and interests in a conflict are always associated with communication, since other people’s activities are often perceived as a dissonance of individual and his/her environment. A mixture of contradictions caused by different types of experience and behavior, character traits and other factors of interpersonal interaction provide the basis of conflict. The conceptual importance of personality covers a wide range of internal mental processes that determine the features of human behavior in different situations. The objective conflict management is the only way that leads to positive dynamics in the conflict of interest, with the main criterion being the ability to compromise, based on the understanding that contradictions can give ground to the development that, in its turn, can bring about effective cooperation.


sociotype, personality, conflict situation, conflict management, social group, factors of interpersonal interaction.




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