Olha Ivanchenko. Traditions of Zemstvo Charity in The System of Vocational Education of Ukraine.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 62-69. Odessa.

Olha Ivanchenko,
PhD student,
Department of Social Philosophy and Public Administration,
Zaporizhzhia National University,
66, Zhukovskogo Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



An integral part of reforming the Ukrainian system of vocational education and training is improving the existing incorporated segment of social work and security. The demanding search for an effective problem-solving draws constant attention to the leading foreign and domestic historical experience. The instauration urgency of the latter is caused not only by providing potential continuity of the development, but also by streamlining the educational field. Equally important is the fact that the steps under consideration are to contribute to the formation of a positive image of local authorities in the collective consciousness of the territorial community members. The purpose of the research is to identify and characterize the traditions of zemstvo charity within the system of vocational education of Ukraine. To achieve the purpose, the following methods were used, i.e. logical, historical-genetic, futuristic, retrospective and narrative ones, as well as the method of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction comparative and content analysis, typology and secondary information processing. In the research process, the elements of zemstvo charity in primary and secondary vocational educational institutions have been proved to be preferential or free based education, granted scholarships, free uniforms and overalls, dormitory accommodation, food, textbooks, professional supplies and other materials within the graduation period. Those norms and regulations of social work and security encompassed only the best students and few representatives of bourgeoisie and peasantry. It should be emphasized that, for a century and a half, zemstvo charity transformed from cohort to mass practice in the system of vocational education and, notwithstanding certain narrowing of the receipt categories has, nowadays, become the core of the traditions of social work and its provision. Preserved and acquired principles, norms of pre-Soviet socially oriented practices ensure the viability and socially oriented mission of domestic vocational educational institutions.


 zemstvo charity, social work, social support, social security, vocational education, vocational school.




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