Yuliia Asieieva. Relationship Between Social Conditions of Life And The Stage of Manifestation of Cyber Addictions.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 34-44. Odessa.

Yuliia Asieieva,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences),
Head of the Department of General Scientific,
Social and Behavioral Sciences of
the Odessa Institute of Interregional Academy of Personnel Management,
19, Black Sea Cossacks Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The whole world today is rapidly following the path of digitalization of society, cyberspace is becoming a new sphere of reality for the majority of the population. Despite all the advantages of interactive technologies and the speed of obtaining the necessary information due to the prevalence of the Internet. New problematic issues also arise. Almost 8% of the world's population has been already addicted to the Internet, but questions about the nosology, etiology of cyber addictions and their treatment and prevention still remain unresolved. The aim of this study was to identify the impact of social living conditions on the severity of cyber addictions. The following research methods were used: bibliographic and historical analysis of theoretical heritage, psychodiagnostic testing: Test-questionnaire for detecting cyber addiction (TQC) and semi-structured interview of respondents to clarify social living conditions as well as mathematical and statistical methods for data analysis (data processing was done using the program "Microsoft Excel", "SPSS 26.0 for Windows XP"). The study sample consisted of 559 people, including 408 who had certain types of cyber addictions and 151 people who agreed to join the control group (relatively healthy). The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of bioethics and deontology. It was found that the most typical addictions for boys are computer addiction, Internet addiction, game addiction and gadget addiction; more typical addictions for girls are cybercommunication addiction and selfie. In correlation analysis (according to Pearson and Tau-b Kendall) of relationship between the influence of social living conditions on the severity of cyber addictions it was found that according to the results of both correlation matrices the links were not revealed between cyber addictions and educational institutions in which our respondents studied; but at the same time a direct relationship was found between computer addiction, Internet addiction, game addiction and cyber-communication addiction with the academic success of cyber-addicts. Such a type of cyber addiction as selfie has an inverse relationship with the material wealth of the family. When analyzing the results obtained by Pearson's correlation analysis, it can be argued that the manifestations of all types of cyber addictions have a medium direct connection with conflicts with parents, a weak direct connection between cyber addictions and conflicts with peers.


Internet, cyber addictions, computer addiction, Internet addiction, gadget addictions, selfie, cybercommunication addiction.




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