Mariia Kazanzhy. Psychological Resourcefulness of Student Youth Under Conditions of Quarantine Restrictions.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 27-34. Odessa.

Mariia Kazanzhy,
Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The worldwide coronavirus pandemic has dramatically transformed people's lives: habitual things, living and working conditions have changed. It has mostly effected the spheres of activity that were completely or partially switched to a remote format. So, it is especially important now to identify those resources that allow participants in the educational process to function effectively, namely - students, because their adhering to the self-isolation regime required an obligatory intensive constant presence in the digital information environment. Thus, the aim of the article was to identify the psychological resources of students, their individual psychological characteristics and transformations during quarantine restrictions. There was used a complex of theoretical and empirical research methods, in particular "Questionnaire of psychological resourcefulness of personality" (O. S. Shtepa) and "Test-questionnaire of facilitative potential of personality" (M. Y. Kazanzhy). Correlation analysis was conducted based on the results of measuring these psychological features in 200 students of the State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky". A comparison of the resourcefulness of individuals before the pandemic and about a year after its beginning was made with the participation of 138 subjects. According to the results of correlation analysis, a close positive relationship between the parameters of facilitative potential and psychological resourcefulness was revealed. The comparison of psychological resources with the help of which students adapt to new conditions and carry out educational activities showed that the parameters of the actualizing component of students' facilitative potential remain virtually unchanged, and the requirement-motivational component even increases, which is associated with unrealized potential under quarantine restrictions. The severity of facilitation resources decreased significantly, indicating that knowledge, skills and abilities to influence others require constant use / training for effective detection. It is established that psychological resourcefulness has changed during the period of quarantine restrictions, such resources as self-realization in the profession, selfconfidence, success have decreased especially significantly. The study has proved that knowledge of one's own psychologi-cal resources, the ability to update and accommodate them is the first thing to pay attention to in the context of provid-ing psychological assistance to students due to the current social constraints. Increasing work on oneself was insufficient to compensate the psychological resources used by the individual in this situation, so it is necessary to develop new techniques and mechanisms for their enrichment.


 psychological resourcefulness, facilitation, facilitative potential, coronavirus pandemic, individual psychological characteristics.




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