Yuri Chernozhuk, Irina Uzun. Psychological Inhibitors of Intelligence of Future Teachers.

(2021) Science and education, 1, 12-19. Odessa.

Yuri Chernozhuk,
associate professor,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
Irina Uzun,
master student,
Department of General and Differential Psychology,
The State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska, Odesa, Ukraine



The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research aimed at studying the psychological inhibitors of intelligence of students who will work as teachers in the future. Analysis of the literature on the topic allowed to clarify the content of the main psychological phenomena being studied, to choose parameters that represent intelligence at the formal-dynamic and content-personal levels, as well as psychological properties that can hypothetically inhibit the intelligence of future teachers. Correlation analysis proved: 1) the complex and ambiguous nature of the relationships between the parameters under study; 2) the negative nature of the relationship of a number of indicators of general and social intelligence with indicators of anxiety and aggression, and positive one with indicators of conflict resilience; 3) only indicators of the style "field-dependence/field-independence" have significant negative links with hypothetical inhibitors of intelligence (indicator of personal anxiety) among a number of cognitive-stylistic indicators. Based on the purpose and research tasks, 6 groups of future teachers were created. The first group includes subjects with a low level of anxiety (LA) - 10 people, the second one with a high level of anxiety (HA) - 10 people, the third group - with a low level of aggression - 10 people (LA), the fourth - with a high level of aggression (HA) - 10 people, the fifth group - subjects with a high level of conflict resistance (HC), the sixth - with a low (LC). By means of the qualitative analysis the information on individual-typical features of intelligence of persons with various levels of the specified properties was received, their comparison was carried out. Future teachers with high anxiety, high aggression, low conflict resistance are inferior to colleagues with opposite characteristics in a number of parameters of general and social intelligence. As shown by the results of observations and conversations with these subjects, this leads to significant problems in their professional development, creates for them certain difficulties in various spheres of life. Qualitative analysis has shown that anxiety, aggression and conflict resilience can act as inhibitors of intelligence. However, firstly, it depends on their severity (high anxiety, high aggression and low conflict resistance can act as inhibitors) and secondly, if anxiety acts as an inhibitor, both at the cognitive-stylistic and content-personal levels of intelligence, aggression and conflict resistance act only on the latter one. In addition, their influence affects social intelligence and, unlike anxiety, does not extend to general intelligence.


intelligence, general intelligence, social intelligence, cognitive styles, intelligence inhibitors, future teachers.




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