Aynura Seyidova. Implementation Ways of Intersubjectional Connections (Integration) in The Process of Mathematics Teaching Course For V-VI Grades.

(2020) Science and education, 4, 60-65. Odessa.

Aynura Seyidova,
teacher of "General Mathematics" department,
Nakhchivan State University,
1, Heydar Aliyev Street, Nakhchivan, Republic of Azerbaijan



The article dealt with the modern system of education used in secondary schools and one of its fundamental principles - integration. In our time, as in other spheres, integration is one of the most important stages in education. Integration is a special requirement in educational programs used during the current period in secondary schools. The Azerbaijani education system needs to integrate into the world and European education, continue and develop global educational trends. Integration into the education system was recognized as an important principle and lay on the basis of activity in the field of education. The role of integration is to interest the student not in one science, but in several, to attract his/her attention and encourage active learning activities. In the opposite case, there can be no successful outcome. Ensuring proper integration in the lessons of mathematics is a real creative work for the teacher and for the correct understanding of the students of this science. Integration was studied on the basis of the curriculum topics for grades V-VI of secondary schools in the subject "Mathematics". As in other classes of the secondary schools, a link between all subjects was created to improve the level of education in grades V-VI and to improve results, and the importance of co-education was noted. It was pointed out that mathematical knowledge is necessary to become an active member of modern society and that it is important to give preference to their connection with life. The importance of integrations used during training - inter-subjectional and intra-subjectional integrations - was emphasized, referring valuable sources. Examples were given concerning both integrations – intra-subjectional and inter-subjectional integration. We investigated the integration capabilities of some of the topics (sets, the smallest common factor, symmetry, adding data, scale, coordinates, etc.), both in V class and in VI class.


integration, inter-subjectional integration, intra-subjectional integration, mathematics, student, training.




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