Olena Denis. Self-Regulation of Personality as a Psychological and Pedagogical Problem.

(2020) Science and education, 4, 53-59. Odessa.

Olena Denis,
PhD student,
Department of General Pedagogy and Preschool Education,
Drohobych Ivan Frankо State Pedagogical University,
24, Ivana Franka Street, Drohobych, Ukraine



The article reveals the essence of the concept of «self-regulation» and «self-regulation of personality». The current state of the problem self-regulation of personality is considered in the following positions: functions or properties of self-organized systems; complex multilevel systemic education; development of conscious self-regulation in activity and also this concept was studied in the aspect - "personality-activity". The current state of the problem of self-regulation of personality has been considered on the basis of existing scientific approaches such as subject-activity approach through understanding of conscious self-regulation of activity as a system-organized process of internal mental activity of man for initiation, construction, support and management of various types and forms of arbitrary activity that directly implements the achievement of goals that are accepted by man; structural-functional approach through self-regulation of arbitrary activity, which is characterized as the ability of the subject and as a process. Scientific concepts are of considerable interest for our study that have developed within the framework of: systemactivity concept of self-regulation of the state, in which self-regulation is characterized as an activity and as a state; the concept of individual style of self-regulation of arbitrary human activity; concepts that develop a view of selfregulation as a hierarchically organized system, which involves processes of different levels of individuality. A theoretical analysis of the problem of formation of the concept of «self-regulation of personality» in the scientific literature of various fields of knowledge has been done. A retrospective of scientific research on personality selfregulation is revealed: from understanding it as the most important explanatory principle in the system approach based on theories of functional systems as abilities and properties of the individual organism, to studying this category as a process and independent activity in functional state regulation. The basic conceptual positions, directions of researches and formation of the basic scientific concepts are considered. The basic conceptual positions and directions of researches in which the basic concepts from a researched problem are formulated are considered. Mechanisms of personality self-regulation such as self-esteem, level of one's own aspirations, self-control, reflection, self-stimulation are revealed.


regulation, self-regulation, self-organization, self-regulation of personality.




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