Krugliy Dmitriy. Use of DIKW Methodology For Educational Proposals in The Framework of Innovative Learning Implementation.

(2020) Science and education, 4, 48-53. Odessa.

Krugliy Dmitriy
Doctor of Technical Sciences,
associate professor,
Department of Innovative Technologies
and Technical Means of Navigation,
Kherson State Maritime Academy,
20, Ushakova Avenue, Kherson, Ukraine



The article analyzes the possibilities of using the DIKW-model in relation to educational proposals. The analysis brings us back to understanding the concepts of "data", "information", "knowledge" and wisdom, where the goal of teaching is to obtain knowledge, and the learning process itself leads to wisdom. The definitions of these basic concepts are considered, which will prevent their misinterpretation and substitution. It will give an opportunity to develop a model of training, which in the future will form the required specialist. The structure of this model is considered, the connections between its components are highlighted, which are of paramount importance for the development of an effective educational proposal within the framework of innovative education and increase of independent work of the higher education seeker, where the role of the teacher changes. The preparedness for real life, forming the necessary competences and teaching the student as a specialist and personality become one of the primary tasks. First, to move to the concept of "learning", it is necessary to specify the definitions of "information" and "knowledge" to understand in which case the presentation of information on the subject will lead to the formation of knowledge and in which it will remain information. We understand the need to form a future specialist’s "knowledge" and opportunities related to the category of "wisdom" under the introduction of the DIKW methodology in the educational environment. "Knowledge" cannot be replaced by an information flow or a data flow. This is a process of multiple processing of information, data, related knowledge and the copyright of the studied information is not an indicator of effectiveness. The indicator of effectiveness was defining as the ability to make the decision that is most appropriate in a given situation.


DIKW-model, data, information, knowledge, wisdom, education.




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