Anatoliy Chustrak, Artemy Kiziryan, Edward Kiziryan. Which is Better: Physical Education or Sports?

(2020) Science and education, 4, 40-47. Odessa.

Anatoliy Chustrak,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Privat-professor of the Department of Gymnastics and Martial Arts,
The State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine,
Artemy Kiziryan,
high achiever of education of Ukraine,
Edward Kiziryan,
first-year student,
The State Institution "I.I. Mechnikov National University",
2, Dvoryanska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



According to the Federal center of kinesitherapy and sports medicine of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, only 12% of people who are involved in sports become apparently healthy. There has long been a polemic in literature, which is better physical education or sports? Physical culture is a part of General human culture. And the sport is just one of many means of physical exercise within this more General category of «physical culture». Today, unfortunately, culture prevents to live not only for athletes, but also politicians, businessmen and government officials. The article draws attentions to the negative aspects of sports that have become more prominent in recent years: injury, illness and even deaths of elite athletes. The article provides facts, statements of famous scientists, traumatologists, doctors and trainers about the reasons for the negative impact of sports and recommendations how to avoid it and warn that exercise: sports like smoking are dangerous to health. Recommendations for beginner athletes are given. The doctor's consultation and recommendations what kind of sport is best to do need to be at least in this problem. What should be: sportswear, shoes and most importantly what loads to use in the beginning. It is forbidden to go in for sports with a diagnosis of cancer and immunodeficiency diseases, colds and other inflammations and even if you feel ill. You need to listen to your body, finish training at the first signs of fatigue and avoid strenuous physical activity, which is rarely noticed by coaches. According to the statistics of injuries among runners: the most common injuries are knees, then ankles, hips, lower back, muscles and tendons, thighs and calves, upper back and neck. The US Safety Commission has registered 554,000 injuries to cyclists in one year. The recommendations of Academician M. Amosov are shown: a set of 10 exercises, repeating each exercise 100 times. Tibetan lamas recommend only 5 exercises and repetitions from 3 to 21 times each of the exercise. Everything can be used for good or harm. Everything is food, and everything is poison, the main thing is moderation. You can choose high sports achievements and records or high efficiency and healthy longevity.


physical education, sports, health of athletes.




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