Alokhin Mykhailo. Social Situation and Experience of Schoolchildren of Primary Private School (According to The Results of The Experimental Research).

(2020) Science and education, 4, 17-23. Odessa.

Alokhin Mykhailo,
PhD student of the laboratory of Social Education and Social Work,
Institute of Educational Problems of the
National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine,
9, Maksyma Berlynskoho Street, Kyiv, Ukraine



The tendency of educational opportunities polarization, which accompanied by segregation and stratification of secondary education, is empirically confirmed in Ukraine. Children from elite families, who are determined by social distance, individual and personal inequality, disparities in social conditions of development and social selection, are new target group of socio-pedagogical research. The aim of the article is to represent the theoretical and experimental study of the social situation and experience of primary school pupils from elite families and its impact on the trajectory of their social development. The survey, conducted in March-June 2020, involved parents of 143 children from elite families aged 6-8. It was determined that the socio-economic situation of the children family, affects their social experience and the educational trajectory of pupils. The leading role in raising a child belongs to educational institutions in 2% of family, despite the fact that in most elite families the educational function is equally distributed between both parents. It forms a specific demand for a school that has to educate children. Private schools could face the problem of forming responsibilities, as most primary school pupils from elite families have no domestic responsibilities, and their behavior may be partly antisocial. It because family education is not based on the causal links of the child's negative behavior and the equival punishment for it. The main demands on private schools for children from elite families are overcoming or minimizing shyness and isolation; fears and phobias; hyperactivity, emotional instability and capriciousness.


elite families, primary school children, private school, social experience, social development, stratification of education.




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