Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Nadiia Orlyk, Oksana Kostiuk. Psychophysiology of Individual Differences. Historical Concepts.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 64-73. Odessa.

Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,
professor of the Department of Biology and Health Care,
Nadiia Orlyk,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
lecturer of the Department of Biology and Health Care,
Oksana Kostiuk,
PhD student of the Department of Biology and Health Care,
State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



The development of such a scientific field as the psychophysiology of individual differences is relevant nowadays, because it implements an interdisciplinary methodological approach. The above-mentioned direction is used in various fields of natural sciences, clinical psychology, pathophysiology, special psychology and pedagogy, is used to develop applied problems of sports medicine, physical education and physical rehabilitation. The aim of the work is to highlight in the historical aspect the importance of methodological approaches to the study of higher human nervous activity in the context of differential psychophysiology. The theoretical methods were used to perform the tasks set in the work: analysis of special scientific and methodological literature, its systematization and generalization. The concepts of such talented neurophysiologists as I. M. Sechenov and I. P. Pavlov who were successfully implemented by the outstanding psychologist B. M. Teplov and his followers in the direction of creating perspective scientific vectors of differential psychophysiology and psychology are currently not only recognized as a theoretical and methodological foundation of modern systemic psychophysiology and psychophysiology of individuality, but also have practical implementation in conducting psychophysiological examination in various fields of professional human activity, in clinical psychophysiology and psychology, as well as in special psychology and pedagogy. The awareness of the representatives of classical science of the necessity and expediency of using the achievements and latest achievements of neurophysiology, genetic psychophysiology and integrative anthropology in their scientific and methodological works will help to realize the progressive and productive development of differential psychophysiology and psychology in vitaecultural, social and educational space of modernity.


individuality, psychophysiological examination, personality traits, types of temperament, differential psychophysiology.




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