Evgen Mikhalyuk, Vitaliy Syvolap, Maryna Potapenko, Nikolay Bessarabov, Sergey Polskoy. Features of Electrocardiographic Indicators and Data of Heart Rate Variability in Young Footballers.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 57-64. Odessa.

Evgen Mikhalyuk,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor,
head of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation,
Sport Medicine, Physical Education and Health,
Vitaliy Syvolap,
Doctor of Medial Sciences, professor,
head of the Department of Propedeutic Internal
Medicine Radiation Diagnostic and Radiation Therapy,
Maryna Potapenko,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care,
Nikolay Bessarabov,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Physical Rehabilitation,
Sport Medicine, Physical Education and Health,
Sergey Polskoy,
senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Rehabilitation,
Sport Medicine, Physical Education and Health,
Zaporizhzhya State Medical University,
26, Mayakovsky Avenue, Zaporozhye, Ukraine



The great importance has recently been attached to studying the functional capabilities of athletes taking into account the data of bioelectric activity of the myocardium, as well as vegetative status based on the analysis of heart rate variability. However, works in which questions regarding the age-related features of the ECG and the autonomic provision of the heart rate for young football players are not enough. In order to clarify the effect of age on ECG and heart rate variability (HRV), a comparative analysis of 5-minute records and standard ECG in 12 leads was conducted for young players aged 13-15 years (n = 39) and 16-17 years (n = 23). The mathematical and spectral methods for analyzing HRV with the calculation of the stress index R. M. Baevsky were used to assess the state of the mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation of the heart, the activity of segmental and suprasegmental parts of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The comparative study of five‐minute ECG recordings of standard 12-lead electrocardiograms of young football players aged 13-15 (n = 39) and 16-17 years (n = 23) was carried out to clarify the effect of age on the electrocardiogram and heart rate variability. The frequency of registration of incomplete LBBB decreases by 2.2 times with an increase in the age of football players and there is a tendency to increase the tone of the parasympathetic link of the ANS.


young footballers, electrocardiogram, heart rate variability.




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