Olha Sytnyk, Olha Yezhova, Oksana Melekhovets. Physical Therapy of Middle-Aged People With Type 2 Diabetes.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 47-57. Odessa.

Olha Sytnyk,
PhD (Candidate of Biology Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Physical Therapy,
Occupational Therapy and Sports Medicine,
Olha Yezhova,
Doctor of Education, professor,
head of the Department of Physical Therapy,
Occupational Therapy and Sports Medicine,
Oksana Melekhovets,
PhD (Candidate of Medical Sciences), associate professor,
Department of Family Medicine,
Sumy State University,
2, Rymskogo-Korsakova Str., Sumy, Ukraine



Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. This disease has been considered as a social problem. It is getting more and more urgent. The increase in the incidence and mortality of type 2 diabetes that observed in recent years requires development of preventive measures, active use of physical therapy. Purpose is to characterize the program of physical therapy for type 2 diabetes and to evaluate its importance. The following materials and methods were used: WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire, somatometry, goniometry, pulsometry, tonometry, dynamometry, functional testing, perceived exertion. An adequate physiotherapy program for middle-aged people with type 2 diabetes that is suitable for treatment and rehabilitation process has been proposed. The program was implemented in the University Clinic of Sumy State University. The theoretical part of the paper emphasizes that the use of comprehensive approach can only help to normalize carbohydrate metabolism. During implementation of the experimental part of the study, we contributed to motivation to increase motor activity, implemented a program of physical therapy for middle-aged people with type 2 diabetes and obesity, which consisted of strength and aerobic exercises of moderate intensity and relaxation exercises. The empirical part of the work proves the program to be the effective. The analysis of the results indicates positive changes in the functional systems of the organism. Correction of physical activity of persons with type 2 diabetes and obesity leads to positive changes in the studied parameters. Individuals who participated in the physical therapy program had a tendency to a decrease in waist, hip, neck circumference, body mass index (BMI, WHR); a tendency to an increase in calf circumference. These changes have a positive effect on a person's quality of life, self-esteem for physical and especially mental health. The results of the study can be proposed for the practice of physiotherapists who work with patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity.


 type 2 diabetes, middle age, obesity, physical therapy program.




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