Svetlana Prokofieva-Akopova. Pregnancy as a Factor of Emotional Instability of Women.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 33-38. Odessa.

Svetlana Prokofieva-Akopova,
PhD (Candidate of Psychological Sciences), assistant professor,
Department of Family and Special Pedagogy and Psychology,
State institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical
University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odessa, Ukraine



The article substantiates the relevance of the study of negative emotional states, emotional reactions and stress during pregnancy as an important and difficult period in the life of women of reproductive age. The features of psychoemotional changes in women regarding the fetal development have been highlighted and the most common emotional states of pregnant women have been identified. The aim of the study was to study the emotional sphere of women during pregnancy as the early motherhood period and to develop a comprehensive psychocorrectional program aimed at psycho-emotional and social adaptation of women during pregnancy and childbirth. Such research methods as diagnostic questionnaire of current state (situational, reactive anxiety), anxiety determination as a personality trait and also the study of probability and level of neuroticism were used. Testing was performed for the differential diagnosis of depressive states, for screening and diagnostics tests in mass studies and for the purpose of preliminary, pre-medical diagnostic. Based on the initial questionnaire, it was found that almost all surveyed women found that their emotional saturation of life became more turbulent and unpredictable. Further research has been found that reactive anxiety of pregnant women is expressed mainly at a low level (89,2%) and personal is at a high level (46,8%). It has been found that mostly all pregnant women have no depression (83,5%), that is, these women do not have a global ill-being and there are only some aspects of the negative manifestations. It has been investigated that the predominant level of neuroticism is average (87,3% of respondents). This is determined by the fact that not all women were sincere, because they have a strong attitude to optimism, calm state during childbirth and they are characterized by idealization of their state. Thus, the study convincingly showed that pregnancy has a certain effect on the psyche. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the recommendations for a psycho-correctional program for working with women during pregnancy have been developed.


 pregnancy, emotional states, stress, anxiety, fetal development, childbirth, psycho-emotional changes.




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