Olena Miroshnychenko, Alexandra Gutculyak. Role of Character Accentuation in The Adaptation of Personality To Extreme Conditions of Life.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 26-32. Odessa.

Olena Miroshnychenko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Alexandra Gutculyak,
PhD student, Department of Theoretical and Practical Psychology,
Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University,
40, Velyka Berdychivska Str., Zhytomir, Ukraine



The article considers the peculiarities of accentuating the character of Ukrainian winterers and its role in the process of adaptation to the conditions of vital activity in Antarctica. The relevance of the article is based on the fact that Ukraine is one of the 29 countries in the world that have the status of an Advisory Party to the Antarctic Treaty, and for 25 years has the opportunity to explore the White Continent at the Ukrainian Antarctic Station "Academician Vernadsky". Wintering of Ukrainian polar explorers conducting research in the areas approved by the State Program (Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences) is associated with a long stay in a limited area, which requires adaptation to social isolation, sensory and psychological deprivation in winter. In addition, the psychological adaptation of winterers takes place in harsh climates and largely depends on the psychophysiological characteristics of the expedition. Psychophysiological characteristics of personality, including accentuation of character, play a significant role in the process of adaptation. The aim of the article is to present psychological studies of character accentuations in wintering people in Antarctica as a prerequisite for psychological adaptation of personality. The scientific developments of domestic and foreign researchers dealing with the problem of adaptation to life in extreme conditions have been analyzed. The concept of psychological adaptation to life in extreme conditions has been specified; the types of accentuations of Ukrainian winterers have been determined; methodological tools of psychological research have been presented. The main accentuations that are characteristic of winterers have been highlighted, and the peculiarities of personality behavior with different types of accentuations have been described. Such results allowed to determine new criteria of psychophysiological and psychological forecasting, and also to confirm necessity of application of psychological researches of Antarctic winterers.


character accentuation, accentuated personality, adaptation, vital activity, personality groups of different types of accentuations.




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