Antonina Minenok, Tetiana Kiiko, Ihor Donets. Prevention Overweight of Population Under Quarantine Restrictions During a Pandemic.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 20-26. Odessa.

Antonina Minenok,
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, professor,
Department of Preschool and Primary Education,
Tetiana Kiiko,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Science),
senior lecturer of the Department of Biology,
basics of Physical Education, Health and Sports,
T. H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”
53, Hetman Polubotko Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine,
Ihor Donets,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
lieutenant of internal service,
Academy of the State Penitentiary Service,
34, Goncha Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine



The article highlights the negative trends of deteriorating health of the population in our country, which requires a responsible attitude of society and the state to strengthen and preserve the health. It becomes necessary to identify new approaches and develop programs of problems solving in the field of public health, because the current system of health care in Ukraine does not actually provide a preventive component, as it is stated in the Concept of Public Health System Development. It is noted that among a number of dangerous diseases and other important health problems, the problem of overweight remains relevant for all age groups and has no boundaries. One of the causes of overweight and obesity is the disturbance of the energy balance between the calories consumed and the calories expended, that is, excessive consumption of high-calorie foods and low levels of physical activity, especially during a pandemic. Ensuring the health and well-being of people is one of the most important goals of the world community, reflected in the basis of European policy. The achievement of European standards of quality of life and well-being of the population is one of the main tasks defined by the Strategy for Sustainable Development «Ukraine–2020». The main directions of reforms should be to increase the personal responsibility of citizens for their own health, ensuring their free choice of health-care providers of appropriate quality, the provision of targeted assistance to the most vulnerable segments of the population, and the creation of a business-friendly environment in the health-care market. Theoretical studies on the choice of efficient methods for studying overweight suggest that scientists have proposed dozens of different approaches, including both simple measurements and the most modern and expensive. But the the definition of the body mass index (BMI) remains the most convenient. This index is more closely related to the fat content of the human body than other anthropometric body mass-to-height ratios, and is therefore widely used in clinical practice. The dynamics have been investigated and important questions of preventive action on overweight and obesity have been pointed out, the reasons for the increase of the respondent body weight have been indicated, and recommendations have been made for the preservation of individual health in the context of a pandemic.


public health, pandemic, overweight, obesity, body mass index.




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