Raisa Martynova. Modeling The Links of Organizational and Content Blocks of The Process of Teaching The Educational Disciplines.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 155-163. Odessa.

Raisa Martynova,
Doctor of Education, professor,
The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University
named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankovskaia Str., Odesa, Ukraine



At all times of the society development training and education of the younger generation was considered the most important and difficult task. Because only highly educated and highly qualified young people can contribute to its development in a constantly improving society. However, it is impossible to conduct effective educational processes, even with considerable pedagogical experience, without their prior careful consideration, planning and modeling. In our previous works, we substantiated the structure of the didactic model of the educational process, which consists of three blocks: organizational, content and procedural. Block 1 includes educational stages, block 2 includes learning objectives, elements of the subject and components of learning content, block 3 includes methods, means and assessment of the educational outcomes. The purpose of this work is modeling the first two of the above-mentioned blocks, namely: organizational and content blocks of the educational process of any educational discipline and in particular the course "History of methods of teaching foreign languages" for students of humanities on the basis of the author’s established methodological regulations. The results of the study showed that teaching of any educational discipline should be conducted: 1) in four stages: receptive, reproductive, productive and reflexive; 2) with the purposes of: a) perception and comprehension of the material under study at the first stage; b) reproduction of the material under study at the second stage; c) analysis and discussion of the material under study at the third stage; d) interpretation of the material under study, its supplementation, deepening and creative application at the fourth stage; 3) with the obligatory repetition of the previously-learned elements of the subject while learning the new ones in order to block the process of forgetting and to have the systematic accumulation of the new knowledge; 4) by means of acquiring knowledge of each element of the educational subject and development on their basis the skills that are gradually becoming more complicated: from receptive to reproductive, and from the latter to productive and reflexive.


modeling, model of educational process, organizational and content blocks of educational process, educational disciplines.




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