Valeriia Ovcharova. Factors of Effective Implementation of Social Work Within Youth Engagement in Volunteering at The Community Level.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 138-149. Odessa.

Valeriia Ovcharova,
PhD student,
Department of the Social Philosophy and Public Administration,
Zaporizhzhia National University,
66, Zhukovskogo Str., Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine



The article is devoted to the determination of factors that can influence the effective implementation of social work within youth engagement in volunteering within community. To conduct this study, scientific works, key researches and the legislation of Ukraine were analyzed. Due to the decentralization reform in Ukraine, community social work becomes in the center of attention. Considering that community development depends on human capacity, work with young people is a key direction of community social work. It should be noted that community social work aims not only to meet the individual needs of community residents but also to develop a community in general. Volunteering is one of the instruments of implementation of community social work and youth engagement. We think that youth engagement in volunteering within social work is effective if it contributes to community development and meets the needs of young people. Based on recent national sociological researches, we have analyzed values, interests, needs of modern youth in Ukraine and typical problems faced by communities. The results of these analyses helped to identify the following factors, which influence effective youth engagement in volunteering within community social work: subject-subject relationship, orientation on individual interest of youth and features of the motivation of their participation in the process of community problem-solving, orientation towards solving specific problems of communities.


community social work, social work with youth, volunteering, youth, decentralization.




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