Rodion Yahotin, Tetiana Dehtiarenko, Svitlana Khalaidzhi. Peculiarities of The Training Process of Boxing Students Taking Into Account Their Psychomotor State.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 131-138. Odessa.

Rodion Yahotin,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),
senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports,
Odessa National Academy of Food Technology,
112, Kanatna Str., Odessa, Ukraine,
Tetiana Dehtiarenko,
Doctor of Medicine, professor,
Department of Biology and Health Care,
The State institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky",
26, Staroportofrankivska St., Odessa, Ukraine,
Svitlana Khalaidzhi,
PhD (Candidate of Science in Physical Education and Sports), lecturer,
Department of physical education and sports,
Odessa National Academy of Food Technology,
112, Kanatna Str., Odessa, Ukraine,



The article is devoted to the problem of organizing the training process in boxing classes in higher education institutions. Determining the features of the psychomotor state of boxing students and its consideration in the dynamics of training allows optimizing the process of physical training of future professionals and contributes to the achievement of planned sports results. A specialized training program has been developed, which consists of nine complex specialized physical exercises aimed at developing the coordination qualities of boxing students. The aim is to investigate the state of psychomotor state of boxing students under the conditions of using specialized coordination physical exercises. A significant positive dynamics of psychomotor state indicators of boxing students has been established under the condition of using specialized physical exercises of coordination orientation. The obtained results expand the scientific information on the need to take into account the psychomotor state of students engaged in boxing. The existing programs of the training process have been supplemented, which are aimed at improving the coordination qualities of boxing students. In the context of modeling the modern system of physical education in higher education institutions, the effectiveness of the use of a sectional form of organization of classes has been proved, which involves the consideration of individualized features of the psychomotor state of student.


psychomotor state, coordination, students, boxing, physical exercises.




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