Sergey Sevdalev, Marina Kozhedub. Modeling of The Competitive Activities of Highly Qualified Female Athletes Specializing in The Modern Pentathlon.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 125-131. Odessa.

Sergey Sevdalev,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Dean of the faculty of Physical Education,
Marina Kozhedub,
Master of the Pedagogical Sciences, lecturer,
Department of Theory and Methodology of Physical Education,
Gomel State University named after F. Skorina,
98, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, Republic of Belarus



Modern pentathlon is a complex type of sport that includes: fencing, swimming, horse riding (show jumping) and combined sport (running, shooting). Sports, which are different in orientation and nature and included in its composition, require athletes to display a significant number of physical abilities and motor skills, different in orientation, due to the structure and content of the competitive activity of the sport. The development of effective models of competitive activity, structured on the basis of the analysis of the results shown by the leading athletes at the largest competitions will allow to optimize the construction of the training. Aim of the study is to build a generalized model of the competitive activity of highly qualified athletes specializing in modern pentathlon. Research methods: analysis and systematization of scientific and methodical literature and information from the official website of the International Federation of Modern Pentathlon (official protocols of the competitions); modeling; methods of mathematical statistics. It was revealed that when forming models of competitive activity, one should focus on characteristics that are significant for achievements in a particular type of competition. Based on the data of the average results shown by female athletes in certain types, a generalized model of the competitive activity of highly qualified athletes specializing in modern pentathlon has been built. Two types of group models of competitive activity in women's modern pentathlon have been determined. The first type is typical for a group of female athletes who are able to achieve high results in fencing, characterized by a high level of speed-power and coordination abilities. The second one unites female athletes who achieve high results in the combined form of modern pentathlon. Thus, when training female athletes specializing in modern pentathlon, special attention should be paid to fencing and increasing the effectiveness of running training.


competitive activity, sports training, sportsmen specializing in modern pentathlon, modeling, modern pentathlon, highly qualified female athletes.




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