Ivan Samokish, Anatolii Bosenko, Mariia Topchii. Comprehensive Monitoring of The Functional Capabilities of Students of Higher Education Institutions.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 117-125. Odessa.

Ivan Samokish,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor,
professor of the Department of Physical Education,
Odessa National Academy of Communications named after A. S. Popov,
1, Kuznechna Str., Odesa, Ukraine,
Anatolii Bosenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
professor of the Department of Biology and Health Care,
Mariia Topchii,
PhD (Candidate of Biological Sciences),
Head of the Department of Biology and Health Care,
State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”,
26, Staroportofrankivska Str., Odesa, Ukraine



A considerable amount of research is devoted to theoretical and practical study of the functional capabilities of students. An overwhelming number of scientists and practitioners assess the level of functionality with the help of various control exercises for physical fitness. It has been established that tests for physical fitness have certain disadvantages, especially organizational and methodological ones. Some researchers use various functional trials and functional tests, in rare cases – maximum loads at the level of functional reserves, which give the most accurate information, but they need to be used with some caution. It has been established that the existing regulatory and legal framework governing the organization of physical education in higher education institutions practically does not regulate the monitoring of the functional capabilities of students. The technological aspect of the assessment of functional capabilities is not disclosed, and monitoring methods for students with different levels of physical condition and regulatory requirements for functional capabilities are not sufficiently developed and do not meet modern requirements. In the literature available to us there are practically no comprehensive studies in higher education institutions of the functional capabilities of students, taking into account the results of physical fitness and functional tests in the educational process of physical education. In our opinion, the use of integrated monitoring of students' functional capabilities with the help of functional testing with a change in the power of physical activity over a closed cycle and a specially developed battery of tests for physical fitness makes it possible to obtain more accurate and diverse information about the level of functionality of students, as well as optimize the teaching and educational process of physical education in higher education institutions.


integrated monitoring, functionality, higher education institutions, physical fitness, functional testing.




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