Rostyslav Radzievskyi, Valerii Plisko, Valentyn Bondarenko. Professional Training of Security Guards on The Basis of System Modular Project of Object Protection.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 109-117. Odessa.

Rostyslav Radzievskyi,
PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor,
Institute of the Department of State Guard of Ukraine,
Taras Shevchenko National University,
8, Bolbochana Str., Kyiv, Ukraine,
Valerii Plisko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, professor,
National University "Chernihiv Collegium" named after Taras Shevchenko,
53, Polubotka Str., Chernihiv, Ukraine,
Valentyn Bondarenko,
Doctor of Pedagogical Science, associate professor,
National Academy of Internal Affairs,
1, Solomianska Square, Kyiv, Ukraine



The article deals with the problematic issues of professional training of law enforcement officers who would be able to ensure reliable protection of objects and security of individuals. The analysis of security guards’ professional requirements and features of their official activity has been carried out. The method of training of security guards has been developed on the basis of systematization of knowledge, skills taking into account various modules, modular blocks in a single complex that gives the chance to the future security guard to master knowledge consistently and to provide the whole process algorithmization. On the basis of the created technique the model of security guards’ training is developed in general. The main training modules and their modular blocks are: acquisition of knowledge on the main areas of ensuring the overall organization of objects protection, which minimizes and eliminates the impact of other threats that may interfere with the normal functioning of the object; ability to provide a description of the object by external and internal characteristics; possession of a modern set of engineering and technical means of protection, including: fire-fighting modular unit, infrastructure unit, alarm system protection unit, access control and management systems, reliable modular unit, etc. The main stage of law enforcement personnel training is a formation of abilities to use protective modules in the conditions of external and internal interventions, threats etc. Actions of unauthorized entry on the object have been defined. A method of detecting factual intrusion (attempt) into the area of the protected object is provided. Examples of psychotic behavior of the offender are considered in the training process. The table shows the potential ability of the offender to act depending on the motivation level of emotional preparedness that correlates with his/her actions. The positive influence of the proposed innovations on the level of theoretical and practical training of future security guards has been revealed. The experiment confirmed the effectiveness of security guards training method based on the modular design system of object protection.


 training methods; security guard; modular project; professional skills; professional training.




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