Iryna Humeniuk. Polycode Text as a Means of Implementation of The Text-Centric Teaching Technology.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 97-103. Odessa.

Iryna Humeniuk,
PhD (Candidate of Philological Sciences), Associate Professor,
Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education,
Vasyl Stefanyc Precarpathian National University,
57, Shevchenkо Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine



Formation of spoken and written professional language of students is connected with the increase of the level of a set of their competences. The efficiency of this process largely depends on usage of the potential of the text-centric technology in the process of teaching the Ukrainian language for professional purposes because text is the main means for creation of professional context. The aim of the article is determination of directions of implementation of the textcentric teaching technology of the Ukrainian language for professional purposes at pedagogical institutions of higher education, and analysis of the functional load of polycode text in this context. A set of methods has been used in the research process: the theoretical methods (reflexive analysis and generalization of literary sources for clarification of the level of solving the issue in the modern scientific area), the methods of visualization and generalization (for elucidation of the ways of usage of polycode texts while teaching the course). On the basis of analysis of scientific definitions of the concept “text” and its main features, there has been formulated a linguo-didactic definition of educational text and vectors of implementation of the text-centric teaching technology of the Ukrainian language for professional purposes at pedagogical institutions of higher education. Research of polycode text as a means of implementation of the text-centric teaching has been conducted, the main kinds of polycode texts and their functional load in the course of the Ukrainian language for professional purposes have been defined and analyzed. The exceptional didactic potential of hypertext as a modern form of organization of material, which is becoming especially important in conditions of distant education, is emphasized. The most efficient organizational forms of working with hypertext have been defined. Considering the features of the structure of polycode text (combination of the verbal and nonverbal components), document has been defined as its specific form. The holistic view of the studied issue is illustrated by the constructed model of the textcentric teaching technology of the Ukrainian language for professional purposes at pedagogical institutions of higher education.


text, educational text, polycode text, hypertext, Ukrainian language for professional purposes.




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