Gennady Narskin, Mikhail Kobrinsky, Alexey Narskin. Functional Training in The Aspect of Sports Training.

(2020) Science and education, 3, 91-96. Odessa.

Gennady Narskin,
Doctor of Education, professor,
F. Skorina Gomel State University,
102, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, the Republic of Belarus,
Mikhail Kobrinsky,
Doctor of Education, professor,
Belarusian State University of Physical Culture,
105, Pobediteley Avenue, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus,
Alexey Narskin,
PhD (Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences), assistant professor,
F. Skorina Gomel State University,
102, Sovetskaya Str., Gomel, the Republic of Belarus



The article deals with issues of functional training and functional preparation in sport. Today, the focus on achieving the maximum competitive result determines the need for a rational system of sports training in the sport of the highest achievements based on modern achievements of science and practice. The generally accepted, traditional classification of its main types, which has developed so far in the sports training system, implies the division into physical, technical, tactical, mental and integral. This allows to plan the training tools and methods quite efficiently based on pedagogical principles and foundations. However, the methodological unification of sports training, based only on pedagogical principles, often leads to its reduction, the use of only standard, long-developed training plans, often projected at the same time not on one, but on a whole group of athletes. The further development and improvement of the theory and methodology of sports is due to the inevitable understanding of the athletes training system as a process of formation of the proper level of functional preparation through the influence of specific training effects – physical exercises on the human body. A high level of functional fitness is the result of body adaptation to physical exertion, therefore, the regularities of adaptation of physiological systems to muscle activity must be considered as a biological basis that provides the proper training effect. The existing variety of scientific studies and their results in the field of functional preparation and training, sometimes postulated as the methodological basis of sports training. The contradictions revealed during the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and some ambiguity in the results and conclusions of various authors determines the need for further studying of this problem, both in theoretical and practical aspects.


functional preparation, functional readiness, sports training, adaptation, functional systems.




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